Importance of Image Optimization
Devon Potts Devon Potts

Importance of Image Optimization

There is always a heavy focus on general SEO, but what about image optimization? People overlook the importance of image optimization when it can increase your traffic tenfold. Within this blog are ways to increase traffic through simple image optimization techniques.

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Internal or External Creative Agency?
Devon Potts Devon Potts

Internal or External Creative Agency?

Some companies rely heavily on out-sourcing for their creative work while others lean on their in-house creative team. There are benefits to both strategies and we take a look at some on both sides.

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Why Stock Images are harming your brand.
Devon Potts Devon Potts

Why Stock Images are harming your brand.

For some reason a vast number of businesses continue to use stock images rather than custom media, even though this can ultimately be damaging the business. This blog covers exactly why your brand should steer away from stock images.

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